Therapists included in this directory are listed according to their level of training in AEDP (i.e. roughly number of AEDP training hours); AEDP Level does not correlate to the therapist’s overall experience as a clinician. To learn more about AEDP Levels, click here.
For the most up to date AEDP faculty list, click here.
I am honored and privileged to be a part of my clients' lives. I counsel very special couples who are struggling with significant trauma, and complex grief within these highly specialized areas of practice, including: caring for a child with a significant illness; grieving the loss of a child~terminating a wanted pregnancy due to fetal anomaly; caring for a child who is a victim of sexual abuse or assault; discernment and grief counseling when one partner "comes-out"; recovering from an affair or sex addiction. I bring a caring, compassionate approach to these very vulnerable life experiences. Together we journey, moment by moment - first to survive, then to heal, and eventually, to thrive once again.