Therapists included in this directory are listed according to their level of training in AEDP (i.e. roughly number of AEDP training hours); AEDP Level does not correlate to the therapist’s overall experience as a clinician. To learn more about AEDP Levels, click here.
For the most up to date AEDP faculty list, click here.
I have been a psychotherapist for over 40 years. In addition to providing AEDP based therapy, I have developed my own form of therapy, Transformational Re-Mothering Amae Therapy ( please refer to my website: ), which provides a second chance to be mothered for undermothered adults. I believe strongly in custom tailoring my therapeutic style to be most attuned to each client. As such, I have 4 decades of training in various methods and orientations to fit different needs of each client. The trainings include among others: EFT, IFS, EMDR, ISTDP, Attachment Theory, Poyvagal Theory, Hakomi, SoulCollage, Psychosynthesis, Self-Psychology, Integral Yoga Psychology.