Karen Kranz, PhD, R. Psych. Senior Faculty AEDP Institute

A note from the AEDP Institute on the occasion of Dr. Kranz’ promotion to Sr. Faculty:

Karen Kranz, PhD, R. Psych. has brought the gift of her teaching AEDP to communities throughout North America and the world. In addition to offering those courses in North America, Karen has taught ES1 and ES2 courses in Brazil, England, Italy, Portugal, and Sweden. That gift is multifaceted but one thing that Karen strives for and participants in ES courses adore is to take highly abstract AEDP concepts in AEDP and teach them experientially in a way that gives participants an embodied sense of the concept. Participants in the ES1 courses have been enthusiastic in their endorsement of how awesome it is to be taught by Karen. Her travels are not limited to teaching AEDP. In addition she regularly travels to India and hikes in the Himalayas.

Karen’s sense of service is manifested in her active participation in two major activities of the AEDP Institute: the Faculty Relations committee and the AEDP Listserv, where she serves as a Liaison between the AEDP Listserv Moderating Team and the AEDP Faculty/Institute.

In the upcoming edited book entitled AEDP 2.0: Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering into Flourishing, Karen Kranz is the lead off batter, beginning the volume with a chapter entitled, The First Session in AEDP: Co-creating a Secure Attachment and Harnessing Transformance to Accelerate Healing from the Get-go. In this chapter, Karen shows us what healing from the get-go means clinically. In a first session with a patient with a significant trauma history, using a stance of relational connection from the get-go, we witness the unfolding of the patient’s process as he goes through all 4 states of the transformational process in a 50 minute session.

Last but not least, Karen is a member of the duo — Jenn Edlin & Karen Kranz– who will teach the first ever AEDP Immersion course not taught by Diana Fosha. It takes place in Vancouver, BC in March 2020.


Karen’s professional biography:

Dr. Kranz has been a psychologist in private practice in Vancouver, Canada since 2000. Her areas of interest in AEDP are making the work with clients and therapists increasingly more relational and experiential. She is continually challenged and intrigued by core and pathogenic emotions and has completed the second draft of a paper about pathogenic affect with the working title of “Rock Logic & Rabbit Holes: The Phenomenology of Pathogenic State of Consciousness & its Impact on the Therapist’s State of Consciousness and Therapist-Client Intersubjectivity.”

After the Immersion course, she began supervision with Dr. Fosha. “At that time, all that interested me was becoming a better clinician, AEDP certification as a therapist and supervisor and becoming faculty were never my ambitions. However, as I deepened into both my knowledge and experience of AEDP and in the AEDP community, I realized that it was through the process of certification as a therapist, as a supervisor, and now with teaching and writing that I was becoming a better therapist.”

With AEDP, Dr. Kranz says she “found a therapeutic home and a community of colleagues when I did not even know I was looking for one, or perhaps more aptly wasn’t looking for one because I did not believe such a home existed.”

Nationally and internationally, Dr. Kranz supervises and teaches in Immersion Courses, Essentials Skills (ES1), Advanced Skills (ES2), and Core Training. Her most recent paper “Making AEDP supervision relational and experiential: Cultivating receptive affective capacity in supervisee and client” is published in the AEDP Journal Transformance.

To learn more and to contact Karen see her AEDP directory page here.