Friday, March 25 | 12:00 -2:00 pm Eastern Time USA + Canada
Prerequisites: For AEDP Experiential Assistants who have completed Immersion and ES1. If you have not completed either, you may attend with a recommendation from your supervisor (either certified or faculty). |
Members of the EALC, who are already Experiential Assistants or on their way to becoming one, are invited to attend. Prerequisites include completion of Immersion and ES1. The class will help consolidate and extend your mastery and artistry as AEDP clinicians, and support your growth as an AEDP Experiential Assistant. Special consideration will be given to AEDP Supervisory skills that we bring to bear in running small experiential groups in the skills courses. The meetings will consist of a didactic component, each time focusing on specific interventions, using videotaped clinical sessions or demonstrations to illustrate. Then participants will have opportunities in groups of three to practice using specific interventions with one another, with special focus on the skills of the Assistant/Supervisor. There are three rotating roles in each group of three: therapist, client, and assistant/supervisor (instead of the role of “witness”, for this workshop). Following this experiential component, participants will return to the large group for a Q&A time and for an opportunity to Metaprocess the experiences they have shared. AEDP is not “manualized”, but there are reliable skill sets that employ AEDP theory as it is used to help train clinicians in the model.AEDP’s 4 State “map” offers clinicians and supervisors a path to assisting their clients to move from anxiety and defensive strategies through affective experience. AEDP clinicians as assistants are guided by the 4 state map in their work with trainees. Opportunities to practice the AEDP interventions with other clinicians are rare for many AEDP therapists. We aim to build community as we practice in a workshop environment that supports confidence, builds competence, and expands repertoire. Opportunities to observe other clinicians “in action” are equally rare, and help us expand our clinical horizons; the “therapist” role in the small group teaches all members of the experience. As the “client” in an experiential exercise, a clinician learns the power of the interventions from the inside out and bottom up. As a “learner assistant” in the small group, the role of assistant/supervisor builds confidence, as the “assistant” deploys imagination and their own knowledge to support the “therapist” in action. As the “witness/observer” role in the small group, there is room to reflect on internal experience without the need to “perform”; an invaluable opportunity for an assistant, as well as a therapist. |
- Apply the gentle art of persistent interruption (redirecting and re focusing)
- Use self-disclosure, both self-involving and self-revealing, to promote attachment. Apply specific Interventions to regulate the client and reduce anxiety during sessions and afterwards
- Use Portrayals to promote an emotional experience
Kate Halliday will launch the training in March. There will be new presenters each quarter for Experiential Assistant Practice and Community Building.
How to Register for Advanced Experiential Assistant Training
For Experiential Assistant Learning Community (EALC) Members only*
Email events@aedpinstitute.org with the following information:
Full name, license type, email address, phone number and confirmation that you are an Immersion and ES1 Grad. If you have not completed either, please include a recommendation from your supervisor (either certified or faculty).
* If you are not already a member of the Experiential Assistant Learning Community (EALC) please apply here (it’s easy!)
2 CE will be available upon completion of the course by R Cassidy Seminars for $10. If, after attending, you would like to receive CE, please reach out to Penny at events@aedpinstitute.org. Penny will send you the link to purchase the CE.