The Therapist as Organizing Other:  Regulating and building self-structure in dysregulated clients through an AEDP lens

An Advanced Skills Course with Jennifer Edlin, MFT

Course Option (counts toward certification) | Includes Experiential Work | Open to AEDP Level 2 and up
4-days: Friday thru Monday | March 14 – 17, 2025  

Advanced Seminar Option (does not count toward certification) | Didactic Only | Open to AEDP Level 1 and up
2-days: Friday & Sunday | March 14 + 16, 2025 

Helping our clients move from dysregulation to deeper connection
with self and other and a renewed sense of self-compassion and their own efficacy in the world.

Course Description

Unwilled and unwanted aloneness in the face of overwhelming experience often leaves people feeling unbearably disconnected from self and other.  For some, their response to this disconnection takes the form of sympathetic hyperarousal.  We see this in our clients who are reeling rather than feeling and dealing.  These clients are easily flooded, impulsive, hypervigilent and overwhelmed by emotion, connection and experience.  AEDP fosters the healing of relational trauma through the use of the therapist’s self and the accompaniment of the client, processing together what was too much for the client to face alone.  Through tracking and helping to regulate the moment-by-moment somatic experience of the client, providing a secure base (and helping the client to make use of this base), and harnessing the innate drive within all of us to heal and transform, we as therapists can help our clients to move from dysregulation to deeper connection with self and other and a renewed sense of self-compassion and their own efficacy in the world.

This course begins with an introduction to AEDP, focusing on the questions AEDP therapists ask themselves to help orient their work with dysregulated clients.  The course focuses on both theory and clinical technique, and makes extensive use of videotaped clinical work to demonstrate the application of AEDP interventions and theory in work with dysregulated clients.  We look at work over the course of treatment, session by session with one client and across years with another, and explore creating a sense of safety, accessing and processing core affective experiences to completion, and finally metaprocessing the new experiences of self and other to allow a profound shift from older internal working models that led to dysregulation and a sense of overwhelm, to new ways of relating to self and other. Significant time will be devoted to experiential exercises for participants to directly apply the learning each day.

Course Objectives

  • Name at least four questions AEDP therapists ask themselves to help guide and focus their work with clients.
  • Identify three different ways to track a client’s anxiety during sessions.
  • Apply interventions that make use of the therapeutic relationship to regulate a client’s anxiety.
  • Direct clients toward their body to track and regulate anxiety moment-by-moment.
  • Detect and apply techniques to assist clients to slow down and return to moments of emotional importance.
  • Name at least two interventions to help build receptive affective capacity in clients.
  • Differentiate between a defensive response on the part of the client and a gap in the client’s experience.
  • Define metatherapeutic processing.
  • Apply metatherapeutic processing in work with dysregulated clients to help build a coherent narrative.
  • List at least three interventions to help the client a client stay with the process of reflecting on and integrating change for the better.

Who Should Attend

Licensed mental health practitioners (or the local/regional equivalent to ‘licensed’*) as well as interns legally practicing under the license of a supervising practitioner. These include Counselors, Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, other Behavioral Health Therapists and related professionals.

Course Level: AEDP Level 2 (Graduates of both Immersion and Essential Skills)
Seminar Level: AEDP Level 1 (Graduates of Immersion)

If you have a question about the relevance of this course for you and/or your eligibility for this course please contact

Meet the Presenter

Jennifer Edlin, MFT

Jennifer Edlin, MFT  is a psychotherapist in private practice in Oakland, California, and is a Senior faculty member of AEDP™ Institute.  Jenn received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University, a JD/MBA degree from New York University and an MA in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. From the moment she attended her first AEDP Immersion Course, Jenn was taken by AEDP and the permission to be authentic and to use the therapist’s whole self in service of clients’ healing and transformation. Jenn is developing AEDP theory and clinical interventions to use with dysregulated and underregulated clients, and has presented her work in 2019 in Boston, Portland and the Denver Immersion course.  In the years since she joined the AEDP Institute Faculty Jenn has been a Co-Director of the AEDP research project, (Read More…)

Registration Options, Location, Dates & Times

  • Online sessions use the U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Please double check the meeting times for your local time zone if not U.S. Eastern Time Zone by visiting or your resource of preference.
  • Please check the dates and times closely for conflicts with Local Holidays, Religious Holidays, etc.

Location: Live Online and highly interactive
AEDP’s Live, Online Learning: Requirements & FAQ’s

Option 1: Course (didactic plus experiential practice) | Friday – Monday, March 14 – 17, 2025 | Open to Level 2 and up

  • Attend all four days
  • Will count toward certification

Time: 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM Eastern time USA + Canada

  • $649 USD Member (must be logged in to register)
  • $679 USD Non-Member

Option 2: Seminar (no experiential practice) | Friday + Sunday (only) March 14 + 16, 2025 | Open to Level 1 and up

  • Attend the didactic, skip the small group experiential work
  • Will not count toward certification

Time: 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM Eastern time USA + Canada

  • $379 USD Member (must be logged in to register)
  • $399 USD Non-Member

Fees & Scholarships

Limited Scholarships are available. Learn more and apply here

Non-Member Course Fee:
Are you a Member? Log in to get a Member discount

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.

ADA Accommodations | Attendance | Refund Policy | Questions

Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact Marilia Rodriguez, or call 813-553-1294 thirty days or more before the event so we can be sure to accommodate you.

Attendance and Makeup Policy & Refunds


Course and all customer service related questions:
Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez: