Immersion November 2023 Live Online and Highly Interactive

The Dyadic Repair of Attachment Trauma:
Healing at the Edge of Transformational Experience

Presented by AEDP Institute Sr. Faculty Member

Jerry Lamagna, LCSW

and Guest Presenters

Thursday – Monday | November 30 – December 4, 2023 | 10:30 am – 7:00 pm EST

Who the Immersion course is for

This AEDP course is open to all Licensed Mental Health Providers including Counselors, Doctors, Nurses, Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, other Behavioral Health Therapists and related professionals. If you have a question about the relevance of this course for you and/or your eligibility for this course please contact with your credentials before registering. For information about whether this course offers Continuing Education credits for your license, see the bottom of the page.

Course Content Level: Beginner/Intermediate

AEDP Immersion is the first course in a series of certification courses for licensed therapists who are seeking to become AEDP Certified
Immersion Course Benefits

AEDP Immersion: Theoretical Framework, Clinical Teaching from Videotapes, Experiential Exercises:  

The Immersion course is an individualized but structured training of AEDP psychotherapy’s rigorous transformational phenomenology and its experiential psychotherapy techniques. During this intensive training, the Institute’s highly credentialed and skilled faculty teach theoretical underpinnings and practical methods for the application of the AEDP model. Participants in the course learn AEDP techniques for working experientially with relatedness and emotional experience including: undoing their patients’ aloneness, dyadically regulating intense emotion, and processing emotional experiences including corrective moments when care, support, affirmation and compassion are emotionally “taken in”. Course participants witness, track, discuss and begin to practice these AEDP hallmark techniques. Case examples are used throughout to demonstrate therapeutic interventions using videotaped sessions of the presenter’s own AEDP work with clients, including making use of many of the videos of AEDP clinical work that are part of APA’s Clinical Videos series. For a half a day on the 7th day of the course –by which time participants have been exposed to ample didactic materials and clinical videotapes illustrating the principles being taught in live clinical action, participants’ new skills are practiced in small group experiential exercises bringing AEDP theory and clinical practice to life: furthermore, these hands-on practice exercises are conducted under the close supervision of certified AEDP therapists and are an important aspect of AEDP’s deliberate practice approach to teaching and training.

What an Average Day Looks Like:

  • Introduction to AEDP: AEDP as a transformational, healing oriented model of therapy.
  • Transformance (i.e., AEDP’s term for the innate, wired in drive to heal) vs resistance as motivational constructs in AEDP.
  • Present empirical evidence showing the transdiagnostic effectiveness of AEDP to both significantly diminish negative symptoms of psychopathology, e.g., depression, maladaptive cognitions, and enhance positive aspects of functioning, e.g., self-compassion, and self-esteem.
  • Present empirical evidence showing the long-term effectiveness of AEDP and the maintenance of therapeutic gains (significantly diminishing negative symptoms of psychopathology, e.g., depression, maladaptive cognitions, and significantly enhancing positive aspects of functioning, e.g., self-compassion, and self-esteem) at one year.
  • The AEDP Road Map: The phenomenology of the four state transformational process.
  • The Triangle of Experience: Using the Triangle of Experience to guide AEDP work with defenses, inhibitory affect and other obstacles to emotion processing.
  • The Triangle of Experience: Using the Triangle of Experience to map patients’ emotion regulation strategies in AEDP clinical work.
  • The Triangle of Social Experience: Using the Triangle of Social Experience to map patients’ internalization of experiences of marginalization, oppression, and racialized trauma and to guide work to acknowledge, validate and transform experiences of invisibility.
  • The Therapeutic Stance of AEDP: affirmation, validation, dyadic mindfulness, dyadic affect regulation, judicious self disclosure, cultural humility, developing cultural comfort, curiosity and advocacy for the patient’s experience.
  • Relational work, moment-to-moment tracking and the dyadic repair of attachment trauma: the focus on receptive affect.

Learning Objectives



Empirical Support

Meet the Lead Presenter

Jerry Lamagna, LCSW

Jerry is a senior faculty member with the AEDP Institute and a psychotherapist in private practice in Manhattan and Westfield, New Jersey. With training in psychodrama, EMDR, ego state therapy, trauma treatment and IFS and over 20 years studying AEDP, his clinical work has primarily focused on the treatment of complex trauma. Along with Dr. Kari Gleiser, Jerry developed a modified version of AEDP for the treatment of dissociative disorders and has published three papers and a book chapter (AEDP 2.0) on AEDP work with trauma. In addition to writing, supervising and providing psychotherapy, Jerry has presented internationally at conferences sponsored by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), the International Experiential and Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA), National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the AEDP Institute.

Location | Dates | Times

Location: Live Online and highly interactive!
AEDP’s Live, Online Learning: Requirements & FAQ’s

Includes 1 year free AEDP Membership, after the completion of the course($130 value)

Dates: Thursday – Monday | November 30 – December 4, 2023
Please check these dates and times closely for conflicts with Local Holidays, Religious Holidays, etc.

Times for each session: 10:30 am – 7:00 pm Eastern Time USA

Registration Fee | Scholarships

Note: Immersion Online is limited to 80 participants. Immersion Courses almost always sell out. We recommend early registration to ensure your spot. 

*Our courses are for licensed mental health professionals. Please don’t register if you are not a licensed mental health professional. There are a few exceptions. To see if you qualify please email

Registration Fee (includes 34 CE)
One Payment: USD $1,599
Payment Plan: USD $1,649
Payment plan (requires USD $500 deposit due at registration – Call AEDP Institute at 813-803-2599)

Limited Scholarships are available. To learn more and apply, please go here.

Continuing Education

Go here.

Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact Marilia Rodriguez, or call 813-553-1294 thirty days or more before the event so we can be sure to accommodate you.

Attendance and Makeup Policy & Refunds


Course and all customer service related questions:
Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez