Transforming Entrenched Defenses, Pathogenic Affects and Trauma States in AEDP
Presented by AEDP Sr. Faculty Member SueAnne Piliero, PhD and Experiential Assistants
Wednesday, January 6 thru Friday, January 8, 2021
Online, Three 5-hour sessions, 11 am – 4:00 pm (Eastern US)
This course is SOLD OUT. To join the waitlist, please email
This is an Advanced Skills Modular Course which counts toward AEDP Certification. It is for AEDP Level 2* or above licensed clinicians who are looking to develop or refresh their AEDP skills.
Any five modular Courses are considered the equivalent of any 10-Day Retreat-Style Course.
Level 3+ AEDPers are encouraged to participate to earn CE’s while refreshing AEDP skills and reconnecting with faculty and community.
*AEDP Level 2 clinicians have completed Immersion plus either Essential Skills (ES1), or Core Training, or the equivalent in AEDP supervision (30 hours Small Group or 20 hours Individual).
This course is for AEDP Level 2 and above Licensed Mental Health Providers including Counselors, Doctors, Nurses, Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, other Behavioral Health Therapists and related professionals. If you have a question about the relevance of this course for you and/or your eligibility for this course please contact with your credentials before registering. For information about whether this course offers Continuing Education credits for your license, see the bottom of the page.
About AEDP: Healing-oriented and attachment-based, AEDP’s practice translates current neuroscience and developmental research into moment-to-moment clinical practice. Simultaneously experiential and relational in its in-depth emotional explorations, AEDP’s interventions are deeply rooted in the dynamics of the transformational process that emerges in environments where the individual feels safe and known.
Prerequisites: AEDP Advanced Skills Courses are for licensed practitioners who are Level 2 or above; i.e. they have completed both AEDP Immersion and either AEDP Essential Skills (ES1), Core Training, or its equivalent in AEDP Supervision hours. If you are unsure of your Level and would like to participate in an Advanced Skills Course, please contact
About Advanced Skills Courses: Practical in orientation, every Advanced Skills Course focuses on helping you both learn new, Advanced AEDP skills, and cultivate and fine-tune the AEDP skills you already have. Each course will include didactic presentations of theory along with video of actual clinical sessions conducted by AEDP Faculty followed by an afternoon of small group experiential exercises.
In both left-brained and right-brained ways, our Advanced Skills faculty will teach concrete, specific interventions and techniques that will help you with the in-depth practice of AEDP and help you with your more challenging clients.
Daily routine: AEDP skills are introduced each morning first with their theoretical foundations and then with illustrations by way of clinical videotapes; skills are then practiced in group experiential exercises each afternoon.
Faculty, Experiential Assistants and Clinical Video: These are the hallmarks of all AEDP trainings. In AEDP, we pride ourselves in how thoroughly and deeply we seek to both undo professional aloneness and engage in rigorous clinical teaching. Our faculty are excellent as academics, clinicians and teachers. Participants deeply appreciate how effectively faculty presenters’ clinical video demonstrates “AEDP in action.” And faculty have skilled accompaniment from a large number of Experiential Assistants – up to and often including one Experiential Assistant for every three participants. Participants rave about the excellent attention and support they receive in this unique learning environment.
To see a listing of AEDP therapists who act as Experiential Assistants, click here.
Course Description:
Working with entrenched defenses, pathogenic affects and trauma states ain’t easy. It requires a strong therapeutic presence: leading boldly; co-regulating, psychobiologically attuning to our patients, our self, and the dyad moment-to-moment.
It requires tenaciously advocating and championing our patients’ capacity to heal and be whole when they see and feel nothing but darkness. It requires building capacity within our SELVES to “be with” and “stay with” deep emotional pain, grief, shame, rage, unbearable states of aloneness. In short, it requires “Fierce Love.”
In this two-day course, we will explore in depth the central place of pathogenic affects (e.g. feelings of worthlessness, toxic shame, unbearable states of aloneness) in trauma, and the entrenched relational defenses they give rise to in trauma, and the integral part that therapeutic presence, active engagement, and active relational interventions play in transforming these entrenched defenses and that pathogenic affects that give rise to them.
Through lecture, videotape of actual sessions and/or live demos you will see, hear, and witness how the therapist’s fierce love—i.e. her strong, attuned, leading and constant lending of her self in breaking through entrenched defenses and assiduously championing the patient’s core authentic self—lead to deep healing and transformation.
Course Objectives:
- Demonstrate how to be more affectively engaged, psychobiologically attuned, relationally courageous (i.e. fierce love) and make more purposeful use of their own emotional experience in your work with patients
- Summarize what therapeutic presence really means—being inside the patient’s world and our patients knowing it, feeling it, and viscerally registering it—and the integral part it plays in transforming pathogenic affects.
- Integrate micro moment-to-moment tracking, a key ingredient in our clinical work
- Differentiate adaptive from maladaptive affective experience
- Discover the central place of pathogenic affects (e.g. feelings of worthlessness, toxic shame) in trauma
- Summarize what we really mean by “undoing aloneness”, e.g. how to really “be there” “bear witness” and “be with” our patients in these unbearable states of pain, terror, and utter aloneness in order to transform these trauma states
- Develop skills for working with “child/trauma parts” to facilitate self-to-self healing
- Formulate how to pendulate, co-regulate and provide dyadic affect regulation, essential components in working with trauma
- Explain and show how to reliably use your Self as the corrective emotional experience for your patients (e.g. through self disclosure of feelings and patient’s impact on you)
- Construct ways to work with toxic shame and pathogenic affects through “Fierce Love”
- Discover how to transform maladaptive beliefs about Self and Other through structural rebuilding of the Self and uncoupling dynamics
Click here for course agenda
Meet the Presenter
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Course Dates, Times, and Location
Dates: Wednesday, January 6 thru Friday January 8, 2021 (this course will be taught over 3 five hour days)
Times for each session: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (Eastern USA)
Location: Online
Requirements to Participate Effectively Online:
You will need a private space with a reliable Internet connection for a desktop/laptop computer that has video and microphone. New to Online Learning? Basic technical training and support is provided in advance of and throughout the Online course. Click HERE for AEDP’s Live, Online Learning: Requirements & FAQ’s.
Prerequisites, Attendance and Cancellation
Important Prerequisite This is an Advanced Skills Course (not a seminar). Pre-requisites: you must be AEDP Level 2 or above meaning:
- you must have completed Immersion, and
- you must have also completed either Essential Skills (ES1), Core Training, or the equivalent in AEDP supervision (30 hours Small Group or 20 hours Individual)
Cancellation Policy
Refunds, minus a 10% cancellation fee, will be issued for all cancellations received 10 days prior to the start of the course or you may apply the full value of your payment to another AEDP course. There will be no refunds or credits for registration cancellations starting 9 days before a course begins unless the Institute has a waiting list for the course and can fill your seat. No-shows are not refunded.
Click here to see our Refund Policy in full
Attendance policy
Per APA rules and AEDP policy, full attendance is required to obtain CE – no partial credit will be given. Those who attend the course and complete the evaluation form will receive continuing education credits.
Registration and Course Fee, including 13.5 CE
- $590 Member Price (must be logged in to register)
- $640 Non-Member Price
This course is SOLD OUT. To join the waitlist, please email
Learn about our ‘pay-what-you-wish’ pilot program for self-identifying Black mental health professionals here.
Diversity Scholarships: For more information and to download an application please click here.
Extra Help During the Pandemic:
- Covid Scholarships: A limited number of partial scholarships are available for licensed therapists in practice. If you are unable to afford the full course fee because you have been especially hard hit by the Covid virus, please contact us at with Covid Scholarship in the subject line and briefly tell us why you need the scholarship.
Course Questions & Registration Contact
Contact Karen Newell at R. Cassidy Seminars: AEDP’s CE and Registration Partner:
866-992-9399 X105
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm PST
ADA Accommodations:
Please contact our office 866-992-9399 if you have questions about disability access or accommodations.
Continuing Education
Cosponsored by R. Cassidy Seminars, P.O. Box 14473, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
R. Cassidy Seminars is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. R. Cassidy Seminars maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 13.5 CE hours
NY: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts. #P-0005. (13.5) clock hours. Live online.
Social Workers
CA and Other States: Most states accept continuing education courses offered by approved providers with national providerships or will accept the approvals of other state licensing boards of the same license type. Others, either do not require pre-approval of courses, or will allow licensees to retroactively file for course approval themselves. R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider with two national providerships, as well as holding many individual state license type approvals. Check with your board to obtain a final ruling.
IL-SWs: Illinois Dept of Professional Regulation, Approved Continuing Education Sponsor, #159.000782. (13.5) hours.
NY: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider (#0006) of continuing education for licensed social workers. This program is approved for 13.5 contact hours Live online.
OH: Provider approved by the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board for (13.5) clock hours, #RCST110701
Counselors/Marriage and Family Therapists
CA: CA and Other States: Most states accept continuing education courses offered by approved providers with national providerships or will accept the approvals of other state licensing boards of the same license type. Others, either do not require pre-approval of courses, or will allow licensees to retroactively file for course approval themselves. R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider with two national providerships, as well as holding many individual state license type approvals. Check with your board to obtain a final ruling.
IL-MFTs: Illinois Dept of Professional Regulation, Approved Continuing Education Sponsor, #168-000141. (13.5) hours.
NY-LMHCs: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board of Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0015. (13.5) contact hours. Live online.
NY-LMFTs: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board of Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists. #MFT-0011. (13.5) contact hours. Live online.
OH: Provider approved by the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board for (13.5) clock hours, #RCST110701
TX: Approved CE Sponsor through the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage & Family Therapists. Provider #151 13.5 CE hours.
Creative Arts Therapists
NY: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board of Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed creative arts therapists, #CAT-0005. (13.5) contact hours. Live online.
Chemical Dependency Counselors
CA: Provider approved by CCAPP, Provider #4N-00-434-0222 for (13.5) CEHs. CCAPP is an ICRC member which has reciprocity with most ICRC member states
TX: Provider approved by the TCBAP Standards Committee, Provider No. 1749-06, (13.5) hours general. Expires 3/31/2021. Complaints about provider or workshop content may be directed to the TCBAP Standards Committee, 1005 Congress Avenue, Ste. 460, Austin, Texas 78701, Fax Number (512) 476-7297.
TX: R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider with the Texas Education Agency CPE# 501456. This course is (13.5) CE Hours.
CA: Provider approved by the CA Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CeP12224, for (13.5) contact hours
Disability Access – If you require ADA accommodations please contact our office 30 days Or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.
Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often And while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions Or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.
Click here to see our Refund Policy or to file a Grievance