Therapists included in this directory are listed according to their level of training in AEDP (i.e. roughly number of AEDP training hours); AEDP Level does not correlate to the therapist’s overall experience as a clinician. To learn more about AEDP Levels, click here.
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I specialize in the treatment of loss, trauma and family/relationship issues and gender expansion with children, adolescents and adults, in English and Spanish. I use integrative, strengths-focused and evidenced-based therapy to treat a range of issues. This means I believe that human beings are inherently resilient, and in particular contexts, our once healthy coping styles may suddenly prevent us from bouncing back to our normal functioning. In therapy, I urge clients to explore how they interpret the world, learning to tolerate emotions more effectively and accessing their instinctive coping capacities to build flexibility. This method allows clients to uncover their strengths and deepen their sense of hope, leading healthier, more exuberant lives.