For support in managing difficulties in your personal & professional lives caused by unresolved traumas or conflict, therapy can help. I work with individuals, couples, & families to help collaboratively tackle the challenges they are facing, through creating a new insight & forming an action, solution plan. Additionally, I practice AEDP, EMDR therapy, Ego State Therapy, Brainspotting and Neurofeedback and find it powerful in healing a range of psychological concerns including depression, anxiety, shame and trauma and areas where clients experience "being stuck". My practice is based on years of well-established evidence-based effective treatments.
My specialties include but are not limited to sexual & emotional intimacy, communication & family conflicts, sexual trauma, ambiguous loss, anxiety, interracial marriages, grief and Loss and PTSD . Specializing in Medical Family Therapy prepare me to work with patients & their families: Illnesses such as Alzheimer's, cancer,diabetes, heart problems, & lupus
My approach at Twin Cities Mental Health and Couples Center is based on a collaborative, integrative, holistic and specialized process tailored to your needs, I can help getting you and your family on track to leading a happier, more fulfilling and vital life. Fully engaged in life.
Khoury, Faten