Presented by Benjamin Lipton, LCSW
This online seminar is for professionals and students in mental health and the healing arts and sciences including: Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysts, Social Workers, Counselors, MFTs, MD’s, Nurses, Creative Arts Therapists, and Masters & Doctoral students as well as soon-to-be licensed Interns & Trainees.
Attachment, embodiment, resilience and transformation are all buzzwords in the psychotherapy zeitgeist. Many models reference one or more of these concepts as their core therapeutic principles. Fewer models explicitly translate these broad concepts into specific and refined intervention strategies that operate moment-to-moment in the clinical process. In other words, understanding change processes intellectually is a very different skill set from working with them experientially in clinical work. AEDP, with its dual clinical focus on: a) directly translating attachment research into the clinical practice of fostering secure attachment and b) naming, tracking and experientially amplifying the specific, somatic, moment-to-moment markers of positive transformation, offers specific, strategic techniques that foster a client feeling deeply recognized and understood, safe and secure, and as a result, curious and increasingly capable in relation to Self and others.
This online workshop is designed to lift the AEDP theory we will be learning off the page (or Powerpoint slide) and deliver it to you as a lived, embodied experience. For therapists new to AEDP, this workshop will provide you with a starter kit of these techniques. For those of you who are more experienced in the model, this workshop will collaboratively build upon what you know and address common challenges we face when working experientially as we watch actual clinical video over the course of the day.
Main Points of Workshop:
- The main theoretical foundations for AEDP: an attachment-based, emotion focused, experiential, body-centered, and transformation-based models
- How to utilize nonverbal, somatically focused “Right-Brain to Right-Brain” interventions in the service of facilitating secure attachment
- How to track somatic and affective markers moment-to- moment in order to soften defenses and gain access to healthy emotion
- How to apply the foundational AEDP technique of experiential meta-processing to guide your work moment to moment in a session
- How to share your own emotional experience in ways that deepen rather than divert from the healing process
- How to stay “dropped down” and focused on experiential exploration of emotion when the urge to explain wants to overtake you or your client
Learning Objectives:
- Name 3 core concepts of AEDP
- Utilize 1 right brain to right brain intervention to create safety
- Practice moment-to-moment tracking
- Express judicious self-disclosure of therapist’s experience of the patient to foster connection, soften defenses and regulate shame
- Classify defense, anxiety and emotion
- Practice the intervention of meta processing
The online course package includes:
- 5 hours of streamed online learning – including both client sessions and video of Benjamin Lipton teaching from Powerpoint and interacting with participants in the original Charlottesville, VA, USA presentation plus
- 1 beautiful complete written transcript of a client session that was originally included in the daylong live seminar but replaced with transcript for this online course
- 2 handouts: Lipton’s “What is AEDP” handout and Lipton’s complete Powerpoint presentation from the daylong seminar.
Meet the Presenter
Benjamin Lipton, LCSW
Benjamin Lipton, LCSW, is a Senior and founding Faculty member of the AEDP Institute. He has been instrumental in the development and teaching of AEDP across the US and in Canada, Sweden, Israel, Norway, and Denmark. He also supervises individuals and small groups of clinicians learning AEDP around the world. A sought after teacher and speaker, Ben is known for his open and engaging style, his humor, and his particular ability to translate complex theoretical concepts into user-friendly, accessible and engaging learning experiences. Ben has edited a book and contributed many book chapters and articles in psychology and social service journals as well as mainstream magazines. His most recent publication is a chapter on therapeutic presence in Undoing Aloneness & the Transformation of Suffering Into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0 edited by Diana Fosha. During the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the US, Ben was the Director of Clinical Services at Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) (Read More…)Requirements
On Demand Trainings are to be viewed on your private computer or smart device. They are intentionally not downloadable; we “stream” them. So, having a high speed Internet connection is important to having a good learning experience.
This training is intended to be viewed only by mental health professionals and students in mental health or related fields. You will be asked to provide evidence of your professional credentials before completing registration and payment.
One client session that was included in the live version of this seminar is included in the online learning version as transcript instead of video. The transcript is gorgeous – beautifully including not only the client’s and therapist’s words, but physical reactions and changes that are relevant and important for the therapist to know of as they learn AEDP under the guidance of a master teacher, Benjamin Lipton.
Fees and Registration
- $149 USD Non-Members
- $129 USD AEDP Institute Members – please login to receive the discounted price.
Refund Policy, Suggestions & Grievances
Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez