Marc is a Licensed Psychologist with over 40 years of experience in a variety of clinical and community settings, currently in private practice in Rutland, Vermont. Marc has immersed himself in AEDP since 2012 and has done extensive training and supervision with SueAnne Piliero and Ron Frederick. He has been a Lead Assistant in ES1 and an experiential assistant in several AEDP courses over the years, including traveling to Israel, where he helped launch their first Essential Skills Course. Marc has a special interest in working with complex trauma and often integrates AEDP with other experiential therapies, including ego state/parts work, EMDR, and Core Self Reclamation Therapy (CSRT). He enjoys sharing his clinical work and videos with other therapists, bringing his work to life through a story of transformation and healing, not only of his clients, but of himself and others in his life.
A frequent contributor to the AEDP Clinical Discussion Listserv and Bulletin Board for community expression and connection, Marc has a passion for sharing stories about his own AEDP experience and journey. He also has a paper on therapeutic presence in the AEDP Transformance Journal (August 2020), where he conveys his personal process and model of how he brings AEDP to life within himself and his clients. Like his clinical work, Marc uses an experiential approach to supervision which focuses on helping other clinicians integrate themselves into the therapy process and develop therapeutic presence. (Read More…)