Advanced Skills Modular Course October 2021: with Benjamin Lipton, LCSW

Fine-tuning AEDP Experiential Interventions in interpersonal and Intrapsychic Contexts: Growing your AEDP Edges as You Help Your Clients Grow Theirs

Friday – Sunday October 15 – 17, 2021
11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time USA + Canada

This course is sold out with a waitlist. Please email to add your name to the waitlist.

Who the Advanced Skills Course is for:
AEDP Level 2 clinicians who have completed Immersion plus either Essential Skills (ES1), or Core Training, or the equivalent in AEDP supervision (30 hours Small Group or 20 hours Individual).
Level 3+ AEDPers are encouraged to participate to earn CE’s while refreshing AEDP skills and reconnecting with faculty and community.

Course Description:

Through its focus on naming, tracking and experientially amplifying the specific, moment-to-moment markers of positive transformation, AEDP offers a robust theory and powerful experiential techniques designed to foster a client’s felt sense of being deeply recognized and understood, sufficiently safe and secure to feel what they feel, and, as a result, to be curious and increasingly capable in relation to Self and others.

However, as you know by this point in your AEDP training, theoretical understanding of the phenomena of change processes requires a different skill set from successfully working with them experientially. This 3-day Advanced Skills module is designed to help you grow your skills and confidence in using AEDP strategies and techniques in both interpersonal and intrapsychic contexts that currently may leave you feeling deskilled or overwhelmed. By building upon what you may already know from the Essential Skills course about using AEDP experiential interventions when things go “right,” in this course we will direct our attention to challenges you may face when working experientially in contexts that can be unnerving for both client and AEDP therapist. Through a daily mixture of didactic and experiential learning, meditations and small group discussions, together we’ll address the challenges you may experience in working to transform a client’s entrenched defenses, hostility, or avoidance, on one end of the spectrum, as well as our own potential discomfort when we’re on the receiving end of overt, “big” expressions of love and gratitude, on the other end. The goal is for you to leave this training with practical, concrete skills and strategies as well as a renewed sense of confidence in and appreciation for your clinical bravery.

Course Objectives:

  1. Use nonverbal “Right-Brain to Right-Brain” interventions in the service of facilitating secure attachment
  2. Identify nonverbal affective markers moment-to- moment in order to soften defenses and gain access to healthy emotion
  3. Apply the foundational AEDP technique of experiential meta-processing to guide your work moment to moment in a session
  4. Express your own emotional experience in ways that deepen rather than divert from the healing process
  5. Transform State 1 “stuckness” with empathy and appreciation
  6. Discover how to stay “dropped down” and focused on experiential exploration of emotion when the urge to explain wants to overtake you or your client
  7. Use judicious self-disclosure of therapist’s experience of the patient to foster connection, soften defenses and regulate shame
  8. Develop clinical skills for working with”parts” to facilitate intra-relational and interpersonal healing
  9. Examine and expand your own affect tolerance
  10. Decide how to regulate your own anxiety
  11. Choose how to begin to walk the talk of AEDP with yourself


Location: Live Online and highly interactive
AEDP’s Live, Online Learning: Requirements & FAQ’s

Times: Daily (5 hour days)
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Eastern time USA + Canada

Dates: Friday – Sunday
October 15 – 17, 2021

Fees, Scholarships & CE

Non-Member Course Fee (includes 13.5 CE) |  $640 USD 
Are you a Member? Log in to get a Member discount

Member Course Fee (includes 13.5 CE) | $590 USD  One time payment
Are you a Member? Log in to get a Member discount


Learn about our ‘pay-what-you-wish’ pilot program for self-identifying Black mental health professionals here.

Diversity Scholarships: For more information and to download an application please click here.

CovidScholarshipsIf you are unable to afford the full course fee because you have been especially hard hit by the Covid pandemic, please contact us at with Covid Scholarship in the subject line and briefly tell us why you need the scholarship.

Continuing Education: This program is generally eligible for 13.5 CE hours of continuing professional development credit.* Participants must have paid course fee, attended the entire course and completed an evaluation to receive CE. RCassidy, is our CE partner and will provide CE certificates. In addition a certificate of completion will be provides by the AEDP Institute. Partial credit is not available.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the Attendee to determine if the CE credit offered by R.Cassidy Seminars meets the regulations of their state licensing/certification board.

Go here for a list of professions included, state approval and other details on CEs for this course.

Meet the Presenter

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Level 3+ AEDPers are encouraged to participate to earn CE’s while refreshing AEDP skills and reconnecting with faculty and community.

Advanced Skills Course Overview: Practical in orientation, every Advanced Skills Course focuses on helping you both learn new, Advanced AEDP skills, and cultivate and fine-tune the AEDP skills you already have. Each course will include didactic presentations of theory along with video of actual clinical sessions conducted by AEDP Faculty followed by an afternoon of small group experiential exercises.

In both left-brained and right-brained ways, our Advanced Skills faculty will teach concrete, specific interventions and techniques that will help you with the in-depth practice of AEDP and help you with your more challenging clients.

Instructional Methodology: AEDP skills are introduced with their theoretical foundations and then with illustrations by way of clinical videotapes; skills are then practiced in group experiential exercises. In online courses, exceptionally effective experiential exercises are held in online “breakout rooms.”

Faculty, Experiential Assistants and Clinical Video: These are the hallmarks of all AEDP trainings. In AEDP, we pride ourselves in how thoroughly and deeply we seek to both undo professional aloneness and engage in rigorous clinical teaching.  Our faculty are excellent as academics, clinicians and teachers. Participants deeply appreciate how effectively faculty presenters’ clinical video demonstrates “AEDP in action.” And faculty have skilled accompaniment from a large number of Experiential Assistants – up to and often including one Experiential Assistant for every three participants. Participants rave about the excellent attention and support they receive in this unique learning environment.

To see a listing of AEDP therapists who act as Experiential Assistants, click here.

Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact our office 30 days Or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification

Certification: Completion of this course does not guarantee certification. To be eligible for AEDP Certification, clinicians must demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical model and proficiency in applying AEDP interventions to diverse clinical populations, and an overall commitment to the AEDP mission, ethos and values. Certification requirements.

Attendance and Makeup Policy & Refunds:


Course Questions: Contact

Payment, CE and Registration Questions: Contact Karen Newell at R. Cassidy Seminars: AEDP’s CE and Registration Partner
866-992-9399  X105
Office Hours:  Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm PST